Corporate travel considerations for a millennial work force

Millennials are redefining the norm when it comes to business travel, with those under the age of 35 now travelling abroad up to 20x more each year than older colleagues.

But the millennial workforce does not appear to be fazed by such travel. In fact, younger employees are much more willing to travel frequently for business and to do so at short notice.

Millennials have brought us a new wave of business travellers with new priorities and practices, and companies must adapt to this in order to attract and retain the best talent. This means that travel managers should be reviewing satisfaction, wellness and retention metrics regularly, as well as monitoring savings and compliance.

To help you cater to a younger travelling workforce and maximise productivity, we have identified the key factors worth considering for your business travel management programme in 2019:

Bleisure flexibility

The millennial workforce is looking for a much more enjoyable corporate travel experience than previous generations. This is one reason why, in recent years, we have seen the rise of the ‘bleisure’ trip (a combination of business and leisure travel).

Instead of jetting straight in and out for a business meeting, millennials are more likely to extend business trips to include leisure days. This approach can be beneficial for both employees and employers in terms of maximising productivity, with 79% of respondents to a recent study agreeing that adding leisure days to a business trip adds value to work assignments.

By allowing travel flexibility and the potential for downtime, you can help retain productive, engaged and loyal employees in the long term.


Although millennials still prioritise the value of face-to-face meetings, they are also the first generation of ‘digital natives’, and technology is a must for all aspects of both business and leisure travel.

From booking flights to managing arrival transfers, a seamless, user-friendly and constantly connected mobile experience is essential for business traveller satisfaction.

The more useful technology you can provide as an employer the better, so be sure to consult your TMC for advice on tools such as our online booking tools OrBiT and Evolvi to keep travelling employees connected at all times.

Opportunity for experiences

Employees are no longer just looking for generic hotels and a continental buffet. Instead, they value personalised and cultural experiences when travelling on business.

In fact, today’s business travellers are looking for far more localised, authentic travel experiences than ever before. This includes opting for boutique hotels that encourage them to explore local gems, including restaurants, museums and markets.

There’s no doubt that finding and retaining talent is becoming increasingly difficult, so it’s never been more important to adapt business practices to a changing workforce. Bearing this in mind when planning itineraries and booking travel will help develop a strong, healthy working culture and maximise all-around productivity both at home and on the road.

To find out more about how we can help with your corporate travel, contact our team on 01625 446 277 or visit our enquiry page.

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